The Big Cockroach
A story based on Karney Chukovskiy children poem ''The Big Cockroach''.
Rumor has it that this poem is not exectly for children. That it tales about Josef Stalin and totalitarianism.
I was inspired by Federico Feline's ''The Repetition Of The Orchestra''.
My story also tales about how difficult it is for some people (an me as well) to except changes.
A combination of stop-motion and drawn animation.
The idea was to create a real music machine. Something not as flexible as a living creature.
So we decided to animate all the characters with drawn animation and the world around to make out of paper and wire.
Even the title was made in stop-motion.
My good friend and partner Maria Kogan-Lerner made all the props and animated the mountain.
I made the trailer as a joke. It is epic like Hollywood blockbusters.