Sylvanian Families
The Kindergarten
The School
A Japanese company Epoch came to us as they need an advertisement done in THREE DAYS. Another studio had suddenly left the project so we had to feel in.
It was my first experience in stop motion.
We called our friend, who is not an animator but a programmer. But his hobby was to make dioramas with solders. So he really helped us building the diorama to this commercial.
Jenya Jirkova a wonderful animator did all the animation.

The Mill
The client wanted us to animate real Silvanian Families toys. But this toys where not made for animation. So we had to destroy this very cute bunnies and squirrels and remake them as an animation puppet. We had to tear their heads, arms and tales off and make hinges for them.

Later we made another 2 advertisements.
For The Mill we used special camera rails so we could film a round panorama in the end.
This time we had two weeks and we made the commercial from the story to music.

Because we wanted to make the final shot a transition from night to day we used key this time and not a real background like in our first animation.